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Identification and assessment of products of biodiversity with commercial potential in an organized group of producers in the area of influence of the Eco-Archeological Corridor in the South of Huila

Artículos de Investigación
Martha Cecilia Vinasco Guzmán Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA) Cead Pitalito, Huila, Colombia

In Colombia, despite the wide biodiversity, efforts to find the products that may be involved in bio-activities have been inadequate and communities have not been involved with this proposal for economic and social development. To contribute to the development of these initiatives, an investigation over three groups belonging to the Mashiramo Corporation (Pitalito’s municipalities of San Agustin and Acevedo) was carried out since February to September 2010, in seeking of biodiversity products with commercial potential in the south area of Huila, using the methodology of Market Analysis and Development (MA & D). In phase 1, 17 products were selected and classified into 4 groups: forest products and byproducts (species of orchids, native flowers, forest species and seeds), Zoo-breeding (lepidopteron fauna, wild and hydro biological resources), native foods (two legume species) and products and services (ecotourism, environmental services and sale of handicrafts). In phase 2 (identification of products, markets and ways of marketing) 5 products were analized: ecotourism, incipient handicrafts, black fish farming (Astroblepus chapmani), a nursery of native forest species and Guatin Zoo-breeding (Dasyprocta punctata). In the third phase, the plan was formulated for ecotourism business with emphasis on bird watching. It was concluded that methodological appropriation is needed by the beneficiary community to ensure the development of activities to learn to make decisions based on market data and not for creating false expectations that generate negative experiences in communities.