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The quality management system: an element for the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural production in Colombia

Artículos de Investigación
Jorge Armando Fonseca Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA) CEAD Tunja, Colombia Grupo Interinstitucional de Investigación en Gestión Ecoambiental y Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción (GIGASS) UNAD - UPTC
Nelson Armando Muñóz Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) Facultad de Estudios a Distancia Tunja, Colombia
José Alejandro Cleves Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) Escuela de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias Duitama, Colombia

Under the conditions of the increasing globalization of markets, changing consumer habits, frequent outbreaks of foodborne illnesses (FBI), social organizations and governments seeking production and food supply include the assurance of safeness in all links in the chain. One way to achieve it, is to implement a Quality Management System (QMS) for certification in agricultural production units, the process addresses the farm give the perspective of general systems theory, shaped by production subsystems and support; them develop both technical and management activities that seek to streamline processes while maintaining standards of sustainability and social responsibility to achieve food production with previously established quality criteria. the process of developing and implementing the QMS requires the construction and operation of support documents and manuals on issues of organization, and organization of producers, which are structured to meet the requirements of a standard, protocol or code of conduct; their compliance is verified through inspections that could lead to the granting of certification or seal of product quality or service, the process can be developed individually by a producer or a producer organization.