Comparative analysis of heavy metals in road dust of two municipalities of meta, Colombia
Contextualization: Road dust is an important source of pollutants that have the potential to impact both public health and natural resources. This study aims to assess the presence of heavy metal pollution in road dust collected from two localities in Meta, Colombia.
Knowledge gap: In urban areas of Colombia, there are still unanswered questions regarding the distribution and concentration of heavy metals, despite the increasing concern regarding environmental pollution. This investigation contributes to the establishment of a foundation of information for decision-making to preserve the integrity of urban environments.
Purpose: The objective of this study is to determine the concentrations of five heavy metals chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in the dust found on the main streets of Puerto López and Puerto Gaitán. Additionally, the research aims to assess the pollution levels by utilizing the pollution factor (FC) and the pollutant load index (PLI).
Methodology: A total of 24 road dust samples were collected from the main roads of two municipalities. The concentrations of heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy, following the EPA 3050B and EPA 7000B procedures.
Results and conclusions: The results revealed that Puerto López exhibited the highest concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Ni, and Puerto Gaitán showed the highest concentration of Cr. Zn, Cu, and Pb were the metals found in the highest concentrations for the two municipalities. Based on the FC and PLI study, it was determined that Puerto López exhibits elevated levels of pollution, particularly about Zn and Cu. Overall, this study offers essential information on the presence of heavy metals in road dust in two municipalities in Meta. It addresses a lack of knowledge regarding the environmental condition of areas with high industrial activity. The results emphasize the necessity of implementing measures to mitigate pollution and safeguard public health.
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