Phenology, yield and quality of the fruit of mulberry grapes (Rubus floribundus Kunth.) in Pamplona, Norte De Santander, Colombia
Contextualization: In Colombia, the area planted with blackberries has increased in recent years; the high acceptance for fresh and processed consumption places it as an alternative to increase the supply of fruits in the blackberry production chain.
Knowledge gap: In Colombia, there is a knowledge gap regarding the phenological behavior, yield, and fruit quality of native species with attractive characteristics for both producers and consumers, such as Rubus floribundus [Kunth.], with adaptation between 1800 and 3000 m a.s.l.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenology, production, and physicochemical quality of Rubus floribundus [Kunth.], in Pamplona, Colombia.
Methodology: The research was carried out on the Pararrayo [7°23ˈ12.4" North, 72°41ˈ9.2" West, 2,800 m a.s.l.] and Arrayán [7°23ˈ28.3" North; 72°41ˈ12.2" West, 2,700 m a.s.l.] farms. Fifteen plants were selected, and in 3 branches per plant, the phenological phases were recorded: flower bud, flowering, fruit formation, and fruit ripening [BBCH], during 100 days. Physicochemical characterization of the fruit [fresh mass, polar and equatorial diameter, total titratable acidity, ionic acidity, total soluble solids, maturity index, and color] was carried out. Ten samples of 1 kg of fruit were harvested during three samplings. Yield was recorded weekly [Pararrayo] and biweekly [Arrayán], for 6 months. The design was non-experimental, observational, field, longitudinal, and repeated measures.
Results and conclusions: The flower bud to harvest period was 96 and 92 days in Pararrayo and Arrayán, respectively, with less time in fruit growth in Pararrayo [12 days]. In Arrayán, the fruits recorded higher fresh mass [5.2 g], equatorial diameter [17.1 mm], total soluble solids [12.29 °Brix], total titratable acidity [0.96 %] and yield [207.87 fruits; 994.31 g and 1,104.68 kg ha-1]. Pararrayo had the highest polar diameter [29.0 mm], ionic acidity [3.3], and maturity index [11.7 %]. On the Arrayán farm, the fruits were of better quality; however, the highest maturity index was recorded on the Pararrayo farm.