Spatial-temporal dynamics of microplastic contamination in marine sediments of Tumaco bay, pacific colombian pacific
Contextualization: Tumaco bay is potentially a recipient of domestic water, which leads to different contaminats such as microplastics (<5mm) accumulating in marine sediments.
Knowledge gap: In the Colombian Pacific, it has not been explored how the sanitary emergency (COVID-19) affected the patterns of microplastic contamination in marine sediments before, during and after the emergency.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the presence, characteristics, and spatiotemporal variation of microplastic (MP) contamination during the years 2020 and 2021 in the internal and external zone of tumaco bay and whether this had any relationship with the proximity to the coastal zone, river mouths and COVID-19.
Methodology: Microplastic samples were collected in the internal and external zone of Tumaco bay , during the rainy and dry seasons in the years 2020 and 2021
Results and conclusions: MP contamination was predominant in the internal zone (721.37 ± 175.96 particles/kg). Likewise, the rainy season presented the highest contamination by microplastics (928.73 ± 220.20 particles/kg) while the lowest was observed in the dry season (440.78 ± 101.54 particles/kg). Finally, there was a decrease in MP from one year to another, being March during the rainy season of 2020, the one that presented the highest contamination with an average of 1543.55 ± 362.92 particles/kg, this pattern is possibly due to the decrease of tourism in the bay of Tumaco due to the sanitary emergency that began in middle of March 2020 in Colombia and that occurred worldwide.