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Estimation of soil analytes in the plateau, with sentinel-2 remote sensing and regression models

Área Ambiental


Andrés Felipe Gómez Chávez Universidad de los LLanos
Jeimy Katherin Feo Mahecha ABISEO GROUP FOODS
Sergio David Parra Gonzalez Universidad de los Llanos

Contextualization: Incorporation of new techniques and technologies to know the characteristics and composition of soils used in agricultural production is booming. The free license products such as Sentinel-2 satellite images, allow correlating the edaphic properties with spectral indices.

Knowledge gap: In the agricultural sector, the indices calculated from satellite images have been centered on characterization of vegetation. To a lesser proportion, studies have been carried out with indexes used in mineral prospecting to correlate with the chemical characteristics of the soil.

Purpose: This study was developed to evaluate the correlation of ferric oxide, ferrous silicate, ferrous iron, and alteration indices with the content of chemical elements of importance in crop production.

Methodology: A crop field of 282 hectares in the municipality of Puerto López in the department of Meta was selected. The evaluated indices from a set of Sentinel-2 imagery were calculated. After indices obtention, 40 sites were selected to do a soil composite sampling and determine the following characteristics: pH in water (1:1 potentiometric), Organic Matter (Walkey and Black), P (Bray II), Al (KCl 1N), Ca, Mg, K y Na (Ammonium acetate), Fe (DTPA). With the obtained information, a multiple regression analysis using the stepwise method was performed; as independent variables, the raster layers of the indexes calculated were used, and the variable to predict were the properties determined in the laboratory.

Results and conclusions: The evaluated indices showed a higher correlation to 0.60 with Ca and Mg content. A correlation between 0.40 and 0.60 was found between the indices and organic carbon y Fe. The regression models calculated give adjustments of 0.54, 0.47, and 0.33 for Mg, Ca, and Fe, respectively. The findings of this research allow us to understand from Sentinel-2 images that it is possible to obtain relevant indexes for agricultural production in conditions of the Colombian Plateau.