Published 2020-07-01
Autores Invitados


Ana Patricia Noguera
Leonardo Ramírez
Sergio Manuel Echeverri

The word Metodoestesis (The paths of feeling), invented by Ana Patricia Noguera, names the epistemic trajectories described in this article. The first is the Ecosystem - Culture proposal, prepared by Augusto Ángel- Maya, one of the creators of Latin American Environmental Thought. In it, Augusto deviated from the Sustainable Development model, to think of the environment as emerging from the intersections between natural capital, social capital and economic capital, proposing to think of the environment as emerging from the relationships between ecosystems and cultures. The permanent contacts between these two systems opened the door to a systemic-aesthetic environmental thought. The second path is Body - Earth, emerging from the work of Ana Patricia Noguera. In this proposal, the path of feeling is placed in the bodies-between-bodies, which in their intertactality are transforming and dissolving each other. This aesthetic episteme opens the way to the ethical, as what is configured in these intertactalities and not as a meta-theory of values. From the two previous trajectories arises the episteme of the knowledge of the earth. In it, the organization of knowledge emerges from the earth in an ecopoietic key. From the Methodology, as a weaving of paths of feeling, we are interested in asking ourselves how we are inhabiting the earth.

keywords: Episteme, Metodoestesis, Ecosystem- Culture, Body-Earth, Geo-knowledge, Knowledge of the Earth, Bodies-between-bodies, Intertactality

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How to Cite
Noguera, A. P., Ramírez, L. ., & Echeverri, S. M. . (2020). Métodoestesis: The ways of feeling in the earth knowledge- a geo-epistemic adventure in the south key. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 11(3), 45-64.
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