Management, classification and collection study of phytosanitaires in the beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Sibundoy Putumayo (Colombia)
Contextualization: The pests, diseases and weeds control in the bean crop production, is one of the most representative crop at the economic level in the Sibundoy municipality, it is characterized by the use of agrochemicals. The problems that these generate must be addressed from its origin, management and final disposal of post-consumer waste.
Research gap: The phytosanitary products and residues management in agricultural production has generated environmental and human health problems over the time. The use, storage, type of products, residues final disposal and safety in the application carried out by agricultural producers, it is a little evaluated subject in the region. Then, it is advisable to study the current situation of this problem, which allows taking decisions and proper handling measures of this type of product in the agricultural systems.
Purpose: The research objective was to study the management, classification and collection of phytosanitary products in the beans cultivation (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Sibundoy Putumayo Colombia.
Methodology: It was descriptive, based on the collection of primary and secondary information, which allowed the different aspects characterization, qualitatively and quantitatively. The analysis was carried out in two phases. The first one was direct observation and field surveys application, handling identification, waste final disposal and risk perception. The phase two included the agrochemical containers collection and classification used by farmers for 6 months. The containers classification was carried out according to the following parameters: trade name, active component and toxicological category. In addition, it was carried out the waste weighing generated in this agricultural activity. The information collected was an important input for conducting a multiple correspondence analysis. The investigation diagnosed the handling that farmers give to pesticides during the cultivation productive cycle, which is 6 months, where it was identified the inappropriate use from its reception, handling and final disposal.
Results and conclusions: In total, they were collected 554 containers, 35% correspond to insecticides, 25% fungicides, 20% herbicides and 18% without identification. The farmers total who were surveyed were 51 people, 43% of them collect the containers. In the conglomerate analysis, it was obtained Cluster IV where are grouped the most relevant data. Finally, it is concluded that the agrochemicals use with respect to their application and final disposal is characterized by their inadequate management, in aspects such as dosage, storage, and operator safety, which threatens the ecosystems balance and the farmers health.