Focus and Scope

Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental (RIAA) and its mission about being disseminators of the research in agrarian areas and other involved sciences in which other disciplines are covered within agrarian and environmental sciences areas (OCDE) through research articles, case study and review articles result of the work of national and international researchers.

Publication periodicity of RIAA is biannual in the periods of January-June and July-December.

Peer Review Process

Firstly, the manuscripts for publication are received by the editor only by OJS. Then, editor reviews than they are orientated to the topics of RIAA and according to the rules of publication. The orthographic corrections can be made directly by the Editorial Committee of the Journal, without consulting the authors. The evaluation is made within the first seven days counted from the receipt of the paper.

Next, the original manuscripts are received by the Editorial Board for peer review designation. The submitted paper will follow a double-blind review by two experts (academicians, specialists or ad hoc arbitrators) for 15 days starting from reviewers agree in OJS.

According to the reviews of the experts (registered in the format of the evaluation concept) if the paper needs additional minor or major revisions, it will be returned or not to the authors. In the case of a favorable and an unfavorable evaluation, a third expert will be invited, and his/her recommendation will be definitive. The Editorial and Scientific Committee will be in charge of resolving any controversy presented with respect to the review, and they will decide which articles are able to publish. The internal decisions taken by the Editorial Committee are unappealable.

Finally, an e-mail will be sent to the author for a final review before publication in online platform or printed version of RIAA. If the author does not respond in the estimated time, it will be assumed that the final version was accepted.

Creative Commons License

Creative commons license 4.0. Recognition – Noncomercial- ShareEqual.

No commercial use of the original work or of possible derivative works is permitted, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to that which regulates the original work.

Journal does NOT charge for processing or/and publication of the articles

Publication Fee

Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental does NOT have charges or fees for processing articles (Article Processing Charge [APC]) sending by authors. Nor is charged for the submission of papers.


Authors who publish with Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental – RIAA accept the following terms:

The authors transfer patrimonial rights to the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD for free, among which are included: rights to edit, publish, reproduce and share in digital and printed media and grant to RIAA the right of first publication of the licensed work simultaneously under a Creative Commons International License Recognition – Noncomercial- ShareEqual 4.0, which permits the sharing of the work by others with the proper attribution and credit to this Journal, without commercial purposes.

The authors can sign additional contractual agreements by separate for the distribution non-exclusive of the published version of the journal’s work (ex. It can be publish in an institutional repository or in a book), with the credit of its initial publication by RIAA.

Ethics in publishing and good practices

Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental – RIAA as part of its good practices and in search of preserving the agreements established in the publication process, has established the following parameters:

Rights of the authors: Fill in the format found in the Editorial Management System – (Open Journal System) OJS and postulate the publication; through which the publication decision is assumed. Also, if there is a requirement in the editorial process, decisions have been made within the committees, while maintaining objectivity, speed of response and support.

Duties of the authors: Assume the compromise of adjust to the regulations and guides for authors requested by the Journal, as well as the proper permits for RIAA to disclose such information. Besides, the author is fully responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is only published by RIAA and its originality. In the case of developing research with human beings or animal, authors must manage the proper permits to avoid affectation to the involved entities.

RIAA adheres to COPE. More information

Conflict of interest Statement and confidentiality

In the obligation of the peer reviewers, the academic process must be conducted impartially, objectively, confidentially and if considered freely potential conflicts of interest, whether due to academic, work and/or personal issues in relation to the paper that will be evaluated.


The Editorial board of RIAA will verify the originality of the manuscript for the cases of inappropriate citation or possible plagiarism, for this purpose Turnitin service ( is used as a tool that contrast the text against current and archived web pages, student works and publications of the main scientific publishers at international level.

If a manuscript has minor problems with citations, appropriate changes will be requested to the authors. In any other case, the manuscript will be automatically rejected, even without academic peer review.


Journal story

The Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental (RIAA) is an official publication of the School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences (ECAPMA) of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD), intended to publish articles resulting from original research in the agrarian and environmental sciences and related areas of knowledge, on issues related to advances in animal production, agriculture and sustainable use of natural resources. As examples of related areas, we cite, among others, Ethics, Ecology, Sociology, Geography, History, Law and Economics, when dealing with development perspectives, agricultural styles, agrarian history, sustainable development, environmental ethics, agrarian and environmental policy, environmental, forestry and agrarian legislation or significant and innovative contributions with a systemic, interdisciplinary and / or transdisciplinary vision.

RIAA circulates semi-annually (January-June and July-December) in printed and electronic format with free access. Authors can submit their manuscripts in Spanish and English.

RIAA's mission is to promote communication and collaboration between national and international researchers through the dissemination and transfer of knowledge related to agricultural and environmental sciences, in order to strengthen the generation of new knowledge."

PRIVACY STATEMENT: In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (Law 1581 of 2012), the names and email addresses managed by RIAA will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other individual. Manuscripts submitted to the publication are only accessible to the editorial team and external peer reviewers.

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