Publicado 14-06-2024
Área Ambiental

Mayze yield and changes in the chemical attributes of soil fertilized with malt sludge

Dr. Paulo Fortes Neto Universidade de Taubaté
Nara Lucia Perondi Fortes Universidade de Taubaté
Lucilene Aparecida de Carvalho e Silva Malteria Soufflet Brasil Ltda

Contextualization: The malt house’s sludge is an organic matter which contains nutrients for plants. Therefore, its utilization as organic fertilizer is an alternative to landfilling, because during the handling the sludge does not have contact with pathogenic organisms and trace metals.

Knowledge gap: There are only a few studies to appraise the malt house’s sludge as an organic fertilizer. In contrast, most of the studies are conducted with sewage sludge generated by the urban wastewater treatment system.

Purpose: To appraise the corn’s productivity and the fertility of the soil fertilized with sludge’s portions in comparison with mineral fertilization.

Methodology: The study was conducted based on randomized blocks design with five ways of treatment (T1 = no fertilization; T2 = mineral fertilization; T3 = 24 Mg ha-1 of sludge; T4 = 48 Mg ha-1 of sludge and T5 = 72 Mg ha-1 of sludge) and four repetitions. During the sowing were distributed nine seeds per linear meter at a spacing of 0,80 cm between rows. After one hundred days from sowing, the cobs of ten plants located in the useful portion plot were collected in order to remove the grains. The grains were placed in an oven at 65 °C, until they reached constant weight to determine the dry mass. The productivity was estimated by extrapolating the grain dry mass data of the useful plot to one hectare. Soil samples were collected to assess soil fertility. The results were submitted to variance analysis and the differences between the averages to the Tukey test at 5%.

Results and conclusions: The grain productions obtained with 24, 48 and 72 Mg ha-1 of sludge were 18,67, 28,00 and 40,66% higher than that observed with mineral fertilization. The results of grain yields with the doses of sludge were in the average of productivity observed in Brazil. The dosages of sludge increased the availability of phosphorus from 26,7 mg dm-3 in the soil with mineral fertilization to 94,0 mg dm-3 with 72 Mg ha-1 of sludge, respectively. According to these results it can be concluded that the sludge has agronomic quality, and the dose of 24 Mg ha-1 optimized the productivity of maize.

Palabras clave: Agricultural Production, Mineral Nutrients, Organic Sludge, Plant Nutrition, Substantiable Agriculture

Derechos de autor 2024 Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental

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Cómo citar
Fortes Neto, P., Lucia Perondi Fortes, N., & Aparecida de Carvalho e Silva, L. (2024). Mayze yield and changes in the chemical attributes of soil fertilized with malt sludge. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 15(2), 291-309.
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