
How to Cite

Estupiñán Torres; MSC, S. M., & Trujillo Gama, E. (2004). Mayor Complex Histocompatibility and Vaccines Development. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 2(2), 59-70.
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Mayor Complex Histocompatibility and Vaccines Development

Article of Review (before OJS)
Sandra Mónica Estupiñán Torres; MSC Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
Esperanza Trujillo Gama Fundación Instituto de Inmunología de Colombia
Without doubt, the vaccines are the most viable and effective alternative for the control of the contagious infected diseases, however, a successful strategy for the vaccines design must have in consideration many of the aspects of exempt response in a heterogeneous population and in your form of recognizing and presenting the antigens of the patogens. Therefore, not only the accurate understanding of the exempt mechanisms involved in the resistance to infections but the identification of the molecules of the patogen that they are protective response target, they will be central motive of the investigation in vaccines in the immediate future. The present review article deepens in the discovery, location, expression, structure, inheritance, polymorphism and importance of major complex hispocompatibility, and presents the advances in the use of primates as model for the vaccines development.