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Optimization strategies towards quality and safety in diagnostic imaging services

Article of Review (before OJS)
Luis Jimenez Rodriguez
Johao Jiménez Ospina
Juan Agudelo Berrio

Objective: This literary review evaluates and identifies measurable indicators and various tools to provide safety and quality care in diagnostic imaging. In that order, it was an ex- haustive bibliographic study of an exploratory, documentary type, because the data was obtained through direct sources based on a sample of 58 scientific articles in different journals such as Pubmed, Google academic, Ebscohost, Scopus, Elsiever, Springer Open, IOP Science: its fundamental purpose being the determination of patient safety in radio- logy. Result: The error in a radiological image, its reading, or an overexposure, those in which the wrong patient or the wrong area is irradiated, is not a planned action or the use of an incorrect plan to achieve an objective. From this perspective, modern radiation sa- fety warns against overemphasis on error classification and quantitative measurement in creating safety in a complex environment. Conclusion: Patient safety and quality in diag- nostic imaging can be improved by recognizing that adverse events occur, learning from them, and working to prevent them.