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Almonacid, I. C., García, Y. C., Pinzón, E. F., Cifuentes, C. E., & Almonacid, C. C. (2023). Identification of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in different kind of samples from patients diagnosed with high-grade lesions in the cervix. Pilot study in a Colombian population. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 21(40), 181-194.
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Identification of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in different kind of samples from patients diagnosed with high-grade lesions in the cervix. Pilot study in a Colombian population

Research Article (before OJS)
Isabel Cristina Almonacid Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Yenni Catherine García Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Cundinamarca
Eduar Fernando Pinzón Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Cundinamarca
Claudia Emilce Cifuentes Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Cundinamarca
Carmen Cecilia Almonacid Universidad Santo Tomás

Introduction. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is relevant in the development of cervical cancer, a situation that has led to screening with cervical-uterine cytology and DNAHPV molecular test that allows the early detection of a risk of developing this pathology in women. Although the incidence and mortality have decreased, science could not eradicate this disease. Objective. Identified HPV in different samples of patients diagnosed with preneoplastic lesions and cervical-uterine cancer. Methodology. Patients with high-grade lesions (LEI-AG) and/or carcinoma on cervical cytology and/or biopsy were included. A blood sample was taken from all of them, the availability of paraffin tissue (FFPE) was evaluated, and PCR genotyping for HPV was performed. Results. 27% (3) LEI-AG were between 30-39 years old and 9% (1) were under 29; 50% (6) were positive for HR-HPV other than 16-18 in liquid-based cytology (CBL) and 16% (1) negative. DNA was obtained from 100% of the FFPE, with positivity in 67% (6), 2 (33%) for HPV-16 and 4 (67%) for others (56, 58 and 68). 1 (11%) presented coinfection with HPV-56 and 58. 67% (4) showed concordance between CBL and FFPE; 1 was CBL negative and HPV-56 positive on FFPE and 1 was CBL HPV-18 positive and FFPE negative. No HPV positivity was obtained in the plasma samples tested. Conclusion. The relationship HPV and cervical-uterine cancer requires to work out in regional studies that allow to understand and to reassess the policies that are currently implemented in the country.