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Portrait of the Upper-Middle Basin of the Atrato River, an approach fromenvironmental history

Research Article (before OJS)
Mayra Alejandra García Jurado Universidad Santo Tomás
Wilson Hernando Soto Urrea Universidad Santo Tomás

Introduction. This article presents an approach to the environmental history of the upper-middle basin of the Atrato River. Under the interpretive paradigm of the social sciences, the cultural notions around the River are taken as an object of study, which
allowed us to understand the bilateral relationship between nature and society in the territory. Methodology. To achieve this task, primary sources (testimonies and laws) and secondary sources (academic literature) were systematized and analyzed. Results. In this way, three historical milestones were achieved that enclose the representation of various social actors on the water source (1. As a river resource to be investigated and colonized; 2. As a source of gold exploitation; 3. As a fundamental part of the human survival). The exercise allowed narrating the history of the Atrato River from anthropic action, thus contributing to the understanding of the impact of human actions on nature. Conclusions. Finally, it is concluded that the ethnic communities are the ones who have built a more conscious relationship with the River and it is precisely for this reason that it is recommended to prioritize their proposals and actions to give a more effective execution to the opinions of Judgment T622 of 2016, from which the trato River is conceived as an entity subject to rights.