
How to Cite

Corrales Ramírez, L. C., Caycedo Lozano, L. ., & Quijano Duarte, S. . (2022). Catalysis, enzymes and quick tests. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 20(39), 121-150.
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Catalysis, enzymes and quick tests

Article of Review (before OJS)
Lucía Constanza Corrales Ramírez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Liliana Caycedo Lozano Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Stiven Quijano Duarte Microbiología - Hospital Central

Many metabolic and biological processes are catalyzed by enzymes; Enzymes are organic chemical compounds that belong to the specific group of biomolecules called proteins. Enzymes have in their quaternary molecular structure, internal organizations that allow  defining a place called the active center; its chemical, kinetic, and thermodynamic function is related to the decrease in activation energy during the net reaction.
The enzymatic reaction mechanisms that occur in the metabolic interactions of microorganisms have made it possible to develop a series of qualitative tests that determine the presence or absence of bacteria in a sample or culture using rapid techniques that facilitate clinical diagnosis.