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Effect in Laboratory of Addition of Inorganic Fertilizers Made in Degradation of Hydrocarbon On Contaminated Soil By Oil

Article (before OJS)
Jenny Liliana Pardo Castro Universidad De La Salle.
María Carolina Perdomo Rojas Universidad De La Salle.
Joaquín L. Benavides López de Mesa, MSC Universidad de La Salle.
At present one of the most important environmental problems is contamination of soil ecosystem by hydrocarbon spilling mainly of oil and its derivates which occurs when oil is explored or transported. Furthermore in Colombia it occurs due to violent assaults made by men outside of law against petroleum infrastructure.To solve this problem there are treatment methods to recover contaminated soil as Landfarming technique, adding inorganic nutrients. In this research this technique was evaluated in vitro, through a design of six experimental units (EU) which contained contaminated soil with crude oil; three EU were treated with Triple 15 inorganic fertilizer and the other three were taken as biotical control. Landfarming effectiveness was determined by pH analysis, humidity percent, temperature, count of total heterotrophic microorganisms, and probable number of oil degrades microorganisms, nutrients and total hydrocarbons for a four month experimental period. At the end of that period, in Landfarming treatment with nutrients added was achieved a high remotion percentage of TPH up to 91%, getting final TPH concentration of 2028ppm comparing biotic control in which the remotion percentage achieved up to 65% and a TPH final concentration was 8049ppm thus, it could demonstrate that nutrient addition optimizes the degrading hydrocarbon process in soil.