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Water Quality of Dental Units

Article of Review (before OJS)
Sara Lilia Ávila de Navia MSC Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Sandra Mónica Estupiñán Torres MSC Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Diana Milena Estupiñán Torres Universidad Antonio Nariño
Water is a main source of contamination in dental patients, classified into two classes: the first from the primary water supply, (ie,public water) and the second one, which is attached to the hoses walls of the dental unit, forming a biofilm. Due to stagnation of oral fluids are aspirated during the procedure. The biofilm will be continuously polluting the hoses from the unit and expelling microorganisms to the patient’s oral cavity where they generate aerosols that can contaminate the environment, surfaces, instruments and health personnel, which is a public health risk. In Colombia there are not official reports or data to control this public health problem, so the risk of bacterial contamination and infection are still latent today.