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Anatomical, Physiological and Embryological Description of Trigeminal Nerve in the Conceptual Framework of Neural Therapy, as Common Substrate Interference Field
Neural therapy, as a complex medical system, is characterized by the integral approach of the organism whose dynamic is framed by the leading role of the nervous system. An important aspect of this medical system is how it demands a penetrating general vision that involves the trigeminal nerve as a source of interference fields.
The fifth cranial nerve or trigeminal nerve is a nerve with mixed functions distributed in the facial and cranial region that presents interconnections with multiple neural structures. From Pavlov’s principles, the different discoveries about brain plasticity, and the neural therapy conceptual framework, this paper seeks to describe, from the standpoint of anatomy and physiology, the relationship of the trigeminal nerve with a variety of neural structures, resulting in other clinical correlations and therapeutic possibilities.
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