
How to Cite

Duque Gutiérrez, M., & Montes del Olmo, C. (2011). The Ecosystem Services of Chocontá: An Exercise of Perception With Their Inhabitants. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 9(16), 170-176.
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The Ecosystem Services of Chocontá: An Exercise of Perception With Their Inhabitants

Research Article (before OJS)
Maritza Duque Gutiérrez Universidad Santo Tomás
Carlos Montes del Olmo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
This article proposes a new vision for the municipality of Chocontá, Cundinamarca (Colombia), to make an approach from ecological economics, in which, the social, economic and cultural make up a subsystem of the ecological system. In this municipality, the biodiversity of the three lower-ranking ecosystems it contains, generates various eco-services that contribute to the welfare of its inhabitants To characterize the identification of the services that biodiversity generates, were investigated on the perception of these different social actors of the mentioned territory. The results show the close links between human welfare and natural capital, which by processes of economic globalization, have been detrimental.