
How to Cite

Arias Gómez, S. del P., Arroyave Rojas, J. A., González Duque, M. E., Mejia Trujillo, J., Osorio Bermúdez, J. M., & Restrepo Martínez, G. de J. (2010). Ponceau Red Dye Degradation By Anaerobic Sludge. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 8(14), 229-236.
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Ponceau Red Dye Degradation By Anaerobic Sludge

Research Article (before OJS)
Stefania del Pilar Arias Gómez Corporación Universitaria Lasallista.
Joan Amir Arroyave Rojas Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
María Elena González Duque Corporación Universitaria La sallista.
Julieta Mejia Trujillo Corporación Universitaria Lasallista.
Johanna Marcela Osorio Bermúdez Corporación Universitaria Lasallista.
Gonzalo de Jesús Restrepo Martínez Corporación Universitaria Lasallista.
The presence of colored liquid effluents generated deterioration in the quality of watersources that receive disfavoring its aesthetic characteristics, sensory and presence of fish fauna due to interference with the entrance leading to natural light so that the primary productivity in these ecosystems, thus deteriorate the links in the food chain and loss of biodiversity is therefore, important initiatives to reduce the demand for environmental goods and services also environmental liabilities around the discharges colored in this way, through the study of degradation of the red dye Ponceau aims to address and improve the technical and scientific environment to the effluent treatment in the presence of azo dyessuch as Ponceau red. This study determined the anaerobic biodegradability of PonceauRed dye using microbial counts.