
How to Cite

Estupiñán Torres MSC, S. M., Ávila de Navia MSC, S. L., Celeita Dueñas, D. P., & Martínez Escobar, E. (2010). Bacteriological Control of Water Distribution Network of Sidewalks Aqueduct Naples, Ponchos and Sevastopol” in San Antonio del Tequendama. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 8(14), 220-228.
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Bacteriological Control of Water Distribution Network of Sidewalks Aqueduct Naples, Ponchos and Sevastopol in San Antonio del Tequendama

Research Article (before OJS)
Sandra Mónica Estupiñán Torres MSC Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Colombia
Sara Lilia Ávila de Navia MSC Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Colombia
Diana Patricia Celeita Dueñas Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Elizabeth Martínez Escobar Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Water is used to satisfy basic needs, the quality of life of the population get a damage due to the pollution. It has used indicators of microbiological contamination, to ensure its quality and prevent the spread of disease. The aim of this project is to determine the bacteriological (total coliform and Escherichia coli) of water used for consumption in residents of the village Naples, Ponchos and Sevastopol Tequendama San Antonio to determine if it is unfit for human consumption . The methodology included a sample of five points of the distribution network, once a month for three months, processing samples by the membrane filtration method to determine the amount of UFC/100mL of total coliforms and E. coli.

The results show that the water study is not fit for human consumption because in different months of sampling points were found the presence of total coliform and E. 100% coli in 86.6%, which suggests that these indicators are in a higher rate as established by the regulations. Some of the microorganisms identified are Citrobacter sp, Enterobacter sp, Klebsiella sp, Escherichia coli and the others as Hafnia sp., Arizona sp. and Serratia sp, which also cause disease. It developed a risk map for understanding the causes of contamination in the distribution network also was done a feedback with the community about water pollution.