
How to Cite

Ossa Reyes, H., Torres Ramírez, L. J., & Nieto Romero, L. V. (2009). Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA class I (loci a *, b *) in an indigenous population Motilón-Bari, Norte de Santander, Colombia. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 7(12), 131-135.
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Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA class I (loci a *, b *) in an indigenous population Motilón-Bari, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Research Article (before OJS)
Humberto Ossa Reyes
Leandra Johana Torres Ramírez Universidad de Pamplona
Loren Viviana Nieto Romero Universidad de Pamplona
One of the salient features of the HLA system is the high polymorphism, a property which gives it a prominent role in all studies of human biological variability. In order to determine the allele and haplotype frequencies for HLA Class I by PCR-SSP technique, we selected a sample of 72 indigenous members of the population-Bari Motilón Ishtoda communities, Brubucanina, Ocbabuda, Suerera, Shubacbarina Asabaringcayra and Catatumbo, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Statistical tests were performed using software version 3.1 Genepop and Harlequin. HLA class I alleles with higher frequency in the population studied were: A * 02 (47.14%), A * 24 (47.14%), B * 08 (32.86%), B * 65 (40%). Allele frequencies were compared with those reported in a previous study in the Venezuelan Perijá, where we studied the polymorphisms of HLA class I Bari population living in the state of Zulia. It is notable in all studies of ethnic Bari, who despite having a reduced variability polymorphism maintains a high level of heterozygotes.