
How to Cite

Benítez, S., Bentley, J., Bustamante, P., Sánchez, L. C., & Corrales, L. (2007). Isolating Culturedrhizosphere Microorganisms and Assessment of Possible Biocontrolling Effect On Two Ground Pathogens. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 5(8), 147-153.
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Isolating Culturedrhizosphere Microorganisms and Assessment of Possible Biocontrolling Effect On Two Ground Pathogens

Research Article (before OJS)
Solange Benítez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Johanna Bentley Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Paula Bustamante Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Ligia Consuelo Sánchez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Lucía Corrales Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
The microorganisms present in the ground exert a specific action when related to a vegetal species. Ornithogalum umbellatum is a wild plant used in the country as ornamental but it is recognized in other parts of the world by the chemical components that the bulb has and by the application of these substances for the alternative treatment of different diseases. In effect, this particularity is the one that leads the investigators to raise the hypothesis that the existing microflore in the rhizosphere could have possible biocontrolers effects in phytopathogens of the ground and to make an evaluation of the antagonistic effect in vitro with Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

The study was made taking 12 samples from rhizosphere and seeding them by duplicate in solids average, agar dextrose potatoe, agar Bengal Rose, (with and without antibiotic), agar yeast mold and agar Luria Bertani. 8 morphotypes of leavenings, 5 morphotypes of bacteria and 9 morphotypes of moulds were isolated; most of them demonstrated antagonism in vitro with the selected phytopathogens. This study allows us to conclude that in the rhizosphere of the plant O. umbellatum are microorganisms that demonstrated antagonism in vitro and that they could be used like biocontrolers of Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In addition, it was observed that some of the isolated microbial morphotypes displayed a very discreet antagonism, but they caused changes in the structure and color of hyphae of the used phythopatogens fungi. It leads us to think that the concentration of the biocontroler influences the mechanisms of biocontrol.