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Arévalo Romero, J. A., Páez Guerrero, D., & Rodríguez Pardo, V. M. (2007). Assessment of Morphologic Characteristics and Immunophenotype of Mesenchimal Stem Cell Culture Obtained From Umbilical Cord Blood and Bone Marrow. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 5(8), 114-126.
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Assessment of Morphologic Characteristics and Immunophenotype of Mesenchimal Stem Cell Culture Obtained From Umbilical Cord Blood and Bone Marrow

Research Article (before OJS)
Jenny Andrea Arévalo Romero Laboratorio de Hematología. Grupo de investigación Inmunobiología y Biología Celular. Departamento de Microbiología. Facultad de Ciencias. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Diana Páez Guerrero Laboratorio de Hematología. Grupo de investigación Inmunobiología y Biología Celular. Departamento de Microbiología. Facultad de Ciencias. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Viviana Marcela Rodríguez Pardo Laboratorio de Hematología. Grupo de investigación Inmunobiología y Biología Celular. Departamento de Microbiología. Facultad de Ciencias. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Bone marrow and umbilical cord blood are sources of mesenchymal stem cells. They are important for tissue regeneration and immunomodulation. The object of this work was to isolate and culture mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood cells. Bone marrow samples were obtained from patients at the Orthopedic Service of the San Ignacio Hospital and cord blood samples were obtained from women with normal pregnancy at the Gineco-Obstetrics Service of the Occidente de Kennedy Hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. We determined cellular rate generation, morphologic characteristics and antigens expression for cytometry flow.

Efficiency isolation was 30% for mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord blood and 100% for bone marrow, with cellular rate generation between 20 and 50 minutes and 16 and 39 minutes respectively. Morphologic differences were determined with microscopy and Wright coloration. During primary culture, 3.54% of CD34+/CD45+ was observed, but after 10 days, they were at 0.19% (CD34+/CD45+). Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow is efficient. There are differences between mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord blood and bone marrow. CD105 antigen is an important marker for mesenchymal cells lineage.