
How to Cite

Gómez, L., & Ortega, M. (2007). Comparison in the Handling of Patients With Mitral Mixomatosa Degeneration With Enalapril or With the Combination Enalapril Spironolactone. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 5(7), 42-47.
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Comparison in the Handling of Patients With Mitral Mixomatosa Degeneration With Enalapril or With the Combination Enalapril Spironolactone

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Leonardo Gómez Unidad de medicina y cirugía cardiovascular. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria. Universidad Antonio Nariño. Bogotá, Colombia
Mauricio Ortega Unidad de medicina y cirugía cardiovascular. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria. Universidad Antonio Nariño. Bogotá, Colombia
The behavior of 45 canine patients with degeneration to valvular mixomatosa mitral, handled with a combination enalapril- espironolactona (20) or enalapril (25) were evaluated in three occasions during 12 months, making a pursuit of survival, serum levels of aldosterone (marking), creatinine, ureico nitrogen in blood, sodium and potassium.

It was observed that aldosterone has a reduction in the serum levels subsequent to the treatment with enalapril and espironolactona far beyond the treated solely with enalapril, but in the last evaluation, they increase the levels over the initial values, which suggests they already have activated other routes for the synthesis from the aldosterone, which are not mediated by angiotensin II and therefore they do not respond suitably to converter enzymes of angiotensin. The benefit of the combination with espironolactone is based on its selective blocking a selective of the aldosterone receivers, which would diminish its lethal action on the myocardium and the blood vessels.