
How to Cite

Ossa Reyes, H., Manrique, A., Quintanilla, S., & Peña, A. (2007). Polymorphisms of Hla (Loci a*, B* and Drb1*) System in Colombian Population. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 5(7), 25-30.
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Polymorphisms of Hla (Loci a*, B* and Drb1*) System in Colombian Population

Article (before OJS)
Humberto Ossa Reyes Laboratorio de Genética y Biología Molecular.
Andrea Manrique Laboratorio de Genética y Biología Molecular.
Sonia Quintanilla Laboratorio de Genética y Biología Molecular.
Alejandro Peña Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Proyecto Curricular Licenciatura en Biología
The objective of this work was to determine the allelic frequencies of system HLA-A*, B* and DRB1* in a sample of 981 individuals of the Colombian population. The sample size was purified from the data base of the Colombian Network of transplantation from which 981 individuals were taken to apply the statistical analysis to them by means of program ARLEQUIN version 2000. A total diversity of 66 alleles was found. They represent 87% of world-wide allelic diversity level of loci A*, B* and DRB1*. 19 alleles for locus HLA-A*, 33 for locus HLA-B* and 14 for the DRB1* were found. Alleles HLA A*02 and HLA-A*24 respectively displayed a frequency of 0.2696 and 0.2706, that correspond to 54% of the analyzed sample.

Alleles HLA-B*35 and HLA-B*51 were the most frequent of loci B* were 0,1926 and 0.1314, respectively. For the DRB1*, the DRB1*04 presents a high frequency solely: 0.238. The left over alleles show inferior frequencies 12%. The results of this work confirm, at a molecular level, the genetic diversity of the Colombian population given that Colombia has 87% of polymorphisms HLA (loci A*, B* and DRB1*) found in the world.