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Construction of an Electrocardiographic Data Base for Canine Residents in Bogota With Ecocardiographic Support

Article (before OJS)
Mauricio Ortega Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria
Leonardo Gómez Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria
Alexander Cerquera Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica y Biomédica, Grupo de Sistemas Complejos Universidad
Rafael Gutiérrez Grupo de Sistemas Complejos Universidad Antonio Nariño
Construction of an electrocardiographic data base for canine residents in Bogota, with ecocardiographic support: The following work presents the data base VETUAN_I, of measures obtained in data of review, electrocardiograms and ecocardiograms corresponding to canine patients without evaluated cardiac deficiencies in the Veterinary Clinic «Veteriland» of the city of Bogota, by means of the use of equipment of diagnosis of the Antonio Nariño University. This data base is constituted by the cardiac parameters or cardiac measures more used and by other additional ones, which allows to compare, to revalue and to fit the established standard values from 60.s, to understand better its utility of diagnosis, to make comparative analyses between races and other factors, as well as to establish different correlation that improve the diagnosis capacity.