The polimorfism of the Apolipoproteín E (Apo E), it plays a key paper in the lípids metabolism and the coronary illness. This study looked for to identify specific polimorfisms of Apo E for PCR-RFLP and to determine the association in these ways alelicas with the presence of plaque atheroesclerotic. A total of 122 patients was analyzed between 29 and 85 years old, with angina or sharp infart of the miocardial where the occlusion presence was determined by coronary arteriographic. Of the total of analyzed patients, alone 48.4% presented an obstruction degree bigger than 70%. Of these patients 40 were men and 19 women. When establishing the association among obstruction degrees and polimorfismo of ApoE stratified for the genders, a.p. was obtained = 0.0054 for the men and a .p. = 0.977 for the women, what indicates that this association is significant only for the genders masculine. The genotipo E2/2 you associates with they doesn.t witness of obstruction.In conclusion, this study allowed to identifications of allelo E3/3 highly significant in coronary obstruction dependent on gender, confirming what is stated by many authors at national and international level in the sense that genotype E2, could have an important antiatherogenic effect, the same as the isoform E4/4 is not related with coronary obstruction. The effect of the ApoE at cardiovascular level has not been completely clarified yet, what makes it whorty for more studies to demonstrate a more accurate behavior.