
How to Cite

Lucena Q. MD; PhD, D. E., Esteban Pérez MSC, C., & Kent First, PhD, M. (2004). Determination of Microdeletion in Chromosome y in Infertile Men, Candidates to Assisted Reproduction Techniques Intracytoplasmatic Spermatozoid Injection. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 2(2), 16-27.
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Determination of Microdeletion in Chromosome y in Infertile Men, Candidates to Assisted Reproduction Techniques Intracytoplasmatic Spermatozoid Injection

Article (before OJS)
Dr. Elkin Lucena Q. MD; PhD Unidad de Biogenética Molecular Reproductiva. Centro Colombiano de Fertilidad y Esterilidad. CECOLFES.
Clara Esteban Pérez MSC Unidad de Biogenética Molecular Reproductiva. Centro Colombiano de Fertilidad y Esterilidad. CECOLFES.
Marijo Kent First, PhD Universidad de Wisconsin y Corporación PROMEGA Madison E.U
Severe spermatic damage in infertile man can be the result of presence of deletion in chromosome Y and in AFZc region (Zoosperm factor Zone C). This study was made in 97 men with infertility and a frequency of 6% to the presence of deletion in the studied population. Of those men positive to deletion in Zone Yq (AZFc) were born three children by using intracytoplasmatic injection (ICSI), whom inherited mutation in chromosome Y, it established the importance to create a sifting program to detect the presence of deletion in this chromosome infertile men population, candidates to Assisted Reproduction Technique treatments (ART) by ICSI.