
How to Cite

Plata, A., Ramírez, S., & Riaño Luna, C. E. (2013). Value added for goat whey from dairy agribusiness: lactic acid as decontamination alternative. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 11(19), 33-39.
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Value added for goat whey from dairy agribusiness: lactic acid as decontamination alternative

Research Article (before OJS)
Alexandra Plata Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Bogotá, Colombia
Sandra Ramírez Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Bogotá, Colombia
Campo Elías Riaño Luna Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.
The lacto goat whey (SLC) is a low economic value sub product, considered as industrial waste in Colombia, with negative environmental impact on ecosystems- (BOD 60,000 COD ppm and 80,000 ppm). This study aimed to characterize the SLC, multiply Lactobacillus helveticus (LH) strain and assess its applicability to the production of lactic acid-AL from LSLC treated and enriched with three nutrients. Variables studied following a latin greco square design. For this purpose kinetic 16 were carried out in intermittent biofermenter containing 250 milliliters of LSLC. Increased production of lactic acid (17.72 grams per liter) was achieved after 50 hours using a media containing 2.5% yeast extract, riboflavin 0.6% and 0.45% ammonium sulfate and the biofermenter operating at 42° C.