
How to Cite

Orjuela Yepes, D. (2013). Comparative study of the international significant standards for the definition, exclusion, declassification and identification of hazardous wastes. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 11(19), 73-92.
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Comparative study of the international significant standards for the definition, exclusion, declassification and identification of hazardous wastes

Article of Review (before OJS)
David Orjuela Yepes Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

In this article the international important standards of hazardous wastes are compared including definition, exclusion, declassification and identification.

Some of the main hazardous wastes classification systems are: Basel convention about the control of cross-border movement of hazardous waste and its elimination, the European list of wastes (LER) and the U.S code of federal regulations 40 CFR 261. The three standards have big differences regarding the classification criteria and identification of hazardous waste therefore about their own classification lists. For this reason, this article aims to make a critical and comparative analysis between the three regulations to analyze the advantages and disadvantages in regard to different aspects related to this problematic (definition, exclusion, declassification and identification of hazardous wastes).