
How to Cite

Pinilla MSc, G., Muñoz MSc, L., Navarrete MSc, J., & Arévalo, P. (2012). The bacteria attack: how to prevent it and not die trying. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 10(18), 227-236.
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The bacteria attack: how to prevent it and not die trying

Article of Review (before OJS)
Gladys Pinilla MSc Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
Liliana Muñoz MSc Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
Jeannette Navarrete MSc Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
Paola Arévalo Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

The enormous diversity of microbial populations that colonize the human skin in permanent or temporar way depends on the topography and physiology of each area of the body. Each area of which are harmless and even beneficial. At the same time that regulate the basic conditions to prevent pathogenic bacteria colonization. Alterations in this dynamic equilibrium could spread the normal flora to a different place generating local or systemic infections.

After the penicillin discovery for the treatment of infectious disease caused by bacteria, the microorganisms have developed strategies to survive through different mechanisms resulting in potentially ineffective antibiotics. Parallel to bacteria resistance has been the creation hundreds of antibiotics for clinical use.

The multi-drug resistance phenomenon has direct impact on morbidity, mortality rates and in the health care, increased cost, thus it is essential to have a correct, appropriate and a rational use of antimicrobials. One key tools to prevent infection, is the environmental pollution control and hand washing, not less important a new approach to the understanding of the pathophysiology, the prevention of spreading using natural products and the creation of innovative molecules such as antimicrobial peptides.