Author Guidelines
The NOVA magazine, which is an open access publication without cost to submit and view articles, will publish the following papers categories.
Original article: an unpublished paper resulting from a biomedical research which contribute new information about specific aspects and helps the scientific knowledge in a relevant manner. The structure is generally used has four parts: introduction methodology, results and discussion.
Review article: study and critic analysis of recent literature and relevant to a specific topic and the points of view that the author has about the topic (impersonal mode). It is an ‘‘state of art’’ about the proposed topic and it has two handwritten categories:
- Requested by the editorial committee to experts in the topic.
- Offered by professionals interested in a specific topic. In which those are the recommendations:
i. To send an application letter where explain why the topic is appropriate to NOVA’s readers.
ii. To provide a short description of the discoveries and some key references. Probable extension and illustrations estimated number.
iii. If the revision is accepted to be evaluated. Must include: a summary focused in the meaning last discoveries, a short introduction including past milestones and recent developments as headings in text with the objective to make a profitable reading. The topic development stays in author’s discretion but it is recommended to attach tables and figures that make quickly the text and offer a faster content’s comprehension.
Academic guide: is a paper framed in process of the educational investigation, social impact and or interest’s pedagogical process for the university community developed in high education institutions, about a specific topic with the professors and student’s participation.
Brief communication: is the results’ report partial and final of an investigation which speed spreading is important. Note: is a paper with maximum 1.000 words, a number of figures and tables no more than 2 and whose summery won’t have more than 100 words. Methods, results and discussion must be presented in only one section.
Technic note: it is a short written in which describe in details a new lab technique or modifications made to a technique already established emphasizing in the process advantages or the developed innovation.
Essay: it is a brief written philosophical, literary or scientific. That presents supported by the authors opinion about the topic.
Letters to editor: readers request clarifications or presents comments about any material published by the magazine. Also, critic analytical or interpretative standings about published documents in the magazine. That in committee’s opinion make an important contribution to topic’s discussion by the scientific community’s reference.
Bibliographic comments: it is a short and critic written about biomedicine books.
Draft preparation: stick to the indications published in the international committee of medical journals editors, uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. J pharmacol pharmacother. 2010; 1(1): 42-58 ( Espanish version can be seen in medical Colombian minutes (Acta Med Colomb 1997; 22:199-211) or in Each draft section must appear in a new page in the following order: title page, summary, text, appreciation, references, charts, figures footnotes and tables.
Title page: in addition, the paper title and short title for pages headings. It must include authors’ full names, institutional affiliation, institution name where the paper was done. Authors’ mail address, phone number, fax number and email.
Summary and key words: the paper must have a summary in Spanish and English each one with 350 maximum. Avoid the use of references in summaries. For 6 key words in Spanish selection search in science of health descriptors (DeCS), Latin-American literature index and Caribbean’s science of health (LILACS) in last version published in CD or in For 6 key words in English search in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) by Index Medicus (
Text: all the document even title page, summaries, references, charts and footnotes must be written in double space on one side of the page only, without leaving extra space between paragraphs. Leave just one space after a full stop or period. Font Arial size 12 must be used and do not justify the text. Italics must be used for scientific terms. Do not underline. Electronic format: send document using Word MS Word processor for computer. Graphics must be included in TIFF or JPG format 300 DPI minimum. For graphics preferred font is Arial narrow. If the documents provided from an Apple-Macintosh computer must be converted to pc platform. Archives must be included, and the program where had been developed. The articles must contain 7 basic parts:
- Title (in Spanish and English). Title capitalized precise and without abbreviations . Scientific names in italics. Authors’ last names and names, institution, complete address, fax number, author’s name in charge of mail and send date.
- Summary (Spanish and English). No more than 350 words in both languages. Investigation proposals, basic procedures, principal results and conclusions must be spelt out.
- Introduction content must be distribute depending on the topic, subtitles and parts.
- Materials and method
- Results
- Discussion
- References
Addressed to people with contributions as technical help, material or financial support but no in authors’ level.
· Each cited reference must have a number in upward including texts, charts and figures. Numbers in parenthesis not in index or sub index.
· When there is more than one cite. They must be separated by commas but if they were correlatives the first one and last one is mentioned and separated by a hyphen.
· When in text an author is mentioned the reference number is following to the author’s name, if the paper is made by more than one author. The first one is mentioned followed by the abbreviation ‘‘et al’’ and the reference number.
- 1. Standard Article
Author/s*. Article’s title. International abbreviation’s ** magazine. Year (volume number) first page-end of article
Kolovou G, Daskalova D, Mikhailidis DP. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and atheros-clerosis. Angiology. 2003;54(2): 59-71.
* If there are more than 6 authors. The 6 first ones are mentioned followed by the abbreviation et al.
** International abbreviations may be consulted in “Journals Database” de PubMed. Spanish ones in catalogue C17 ( or in DREV ( by BVS of health institute Carlos III and in biomedicine magazine data basis of IHCD of Valencia (
Data basis unique identification number could be incorporated in reference:
The most data basis or electronic documents incorporate the unambiguous identification number in each reference (PubMed: PMID; Cocrhane Library:CD; DOI), that could be incorporated to the bibliographic reference to its perfect identification.
López-Palop R, Moreu J, Fernández-Vázquez F, Hernández Antolín R; Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Hemodynamics cardiology interventionist Spanish register. XIII. Official report of hemodynamics and interventionist cardiology of the Spanish cardiology section (1990-2003) Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004; 57(11): 1076-89. Cited in PubMed PMID 15544757.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1998, Issue 3 [online data basis]. Oxford: Update Software Ltd; 1998- [checked 28 December 2005]. Wilt T, Mac Donald R, Ishani A, Rutks I, Stark G. Cernilton for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Avilable in: or Cited in Cochrane Library CD001042.
1.2 organization or team as an author
SEPAR’s team work. Regulations about threaten hemoptysis management. Arch Bronconeumol 1997; 33: 31-40
- 2. Books
Author/s. book’s title. Edition. Publication city. Editorial; year.
Jiménez L, Montero FJ. Urgency medicine compendium: therapeutically guide. 2nd ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2005
Note: it is not necessary to consign the first edition. Edition is always written in Arabic numbers and abbreviation 2nd ed. If the work would be composed by more than one volume It must be cited following the book title.
2.1 Organization as an author
Madrid community. Mental health plan of the Madrid community 2003-2008. Madrid: Madrid community, sanity counseling; 2002.
2.2 Book’s chapter
Chapter’s author/s. chapter title. In*: Principal/coordinator/book’s editor. Book’s title. Edition. Publication city: editorial; year. First page-chapter’s end.
Mehta SJ. Abdominal pain. In: Friedman HH, editor. Medic diagnostic manual. 5th ed. Barcelona: Masson; 2004. p.183-90.
- 3. Information presented in a congress
Presentation’s author/s. Presentation title. In: congress official title. City: editorial; year. First page – presentation end
Castro A, Escudero J. the hospital heart’s area “Juan Canalejo”. In: presentation’s book: V gestion and evaluation session of sanitary costs. Bilbao; consume and sanitary ministry, Basque government; 2000.p. 12-22.
Note: same structure applies for seminars, workshops, scientific meetings so on.
- 4. scientific and technical inform
Author/s. Inform title. Publication city: editorial entities/agencies; year. Inform identification number.
Worldwide health organization. Cardiovascular illness risk factors: new investigation areas. OMS’s scientific group inform. Geneva: OMS; 1994. Technical informs series: 841
- 5. Doctoral thesis
Author. Thesis title [doctoral thesis]. Publication city: editorial; year.
Muñiz J. Cardiovascular illness risk factors transversal study in gallego’s rural childhood population [doctoral thesis]. Santiago: publication service and scientific interchange, Santiago university; 1996.
- 6. Patent
Joshi R, Strebel HP, creators; Fumapharm AG, titular. Fumaric acid’s derivative uses in transplant medicine. European patent. ES 2195609T3. BOPI 1-12-2003.
- 7. Internet magazine article
Article author/s. article title. Magazine name [online magazine] * year [consulting date] **; volume (number): [length/pages] ***. URL.
Francés I, Barandiarán M, Marcellán T, Moreno L. Psycho-cognitive stimulation in dementias. An Sist Sanit Navar [online magazine] * 2003 September December. [access 19 October 2005]; 26(3). Available in:
* could be : [magazine in internet], [Internet]
** [access….], [consulted…], [cited…]
*** If apply.
- 8. Internet data bases
Institution/author. Title [Internet data basis]. Publication city: editor; creation date [update; consulting date]. Online address.
Pubmed [Internet data basis]. Bethesda: National Library of Medicine; 1966- [access date: 19 December 2005]. Available in:
For other reference types not includes. Consult:
Charts and figures: make charts using table function in program. Not by columns or tabulations in the draft. For black and white figures send the original and two illustration copies with its version in format TIFF or JPG in 300dpi. As resolution and in letter size. Excel graphics must be sending the original file. For black and white photos: three copies must be sending in the best quality with the magnetic version format TIFF or JPG to 300 dpi as minimum resolution. If they are transparences, please send the original slide. Not a copy. With two printings (photocopy or scanned, attaching the magnetic media, TIFF format to 300dpi as minimum resolution) od the same image to the evaluators draft file. In preparation for microscope mention the collaboration and the zoom used.
Preliminary list to sending preparation
As part of sending process, authors are obligated to check that their sending fulfill all the elements showed below. Documents will be returned if they do not have these guidelines.
- The sending has not been published previously or has been on consideration of any other magazine (or an explanation has been provided to the editor’s comments)
- The sending is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RFT or WordPerfect.
- As far as possible references with URL address
- The text has simple line spacing, font higher than 12, italics are used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), all the illustrations, figures and tables are in the middle of the text instead of been at the end
- The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in about the magazine.
- In case of sending the text to evaluation by peers follow the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation.