Publicado 2010-06-15

Breaking the chains: Strategies to overcome poverty in Colombia

Silvia Eugenia Campuzano Fernandez Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Andrea Marcela Turriago Campuzano U. Externado de Colombia
Gloria M. Cortés Saavedra U. Santo Tomás de Aquino.
Poverty in Colombia denotes the serious problem of inequality distribution of income, characterized by some of the most terrible poverty statistics in Latin America. For this reason, the Colombian government and the private organizations especially the economic ones, both have been working in reducing the poverty problem, by the introducing of charity programs with poor outcomes that become superficial solutions, due to the effects on the economy of social, political and economic events throughout the history of the country, and the effect of armed conflict, that do not allow them to advance in the results.
Cómo citar
Campuzano Fernandez, S. E., Turriago Campuzano, A. M., & Cortés Saavedra, G. M. (2010). Breaking the chains: Strategies to overcome poverty in Colombia. Revista Nova publicación científica En Ciencias biomédicas, 8(13).
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