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Diagnosis of skills related to multidimensional thinking in ECEDU/ZCBC teachers

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22490/28057597.6818
Artículo corto
Jonathan Rene Cortes Sandoval Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Diana Concha Ramírez Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

The teaching practice, especially of the teacher educator, motivates the implementation of the research project PIE075, which, from the perspective of multidimensional thinking (critical, careful, and creative), seeks to contribute to the reflection on the topic, as well as to the development and strengthening of the abilities related to these "ways of thinking" that bring about a conscious experience of the educational practice. The theoretical framework on which this research is based is close to the perspectives of Matthew Lipman, philosopher, and theorist of the "Philosophy for Children" program, who, in his speech, refers to multidimensional thinking as an aspect of relevance in educational/pedagogical processes. Considering the above, the study proposes the development of multidimensional thinking skills diagnostic of UNAD's School of Education Sciences (ECEDU) teachers, in the Central Zone of Bogotá Cundinamarca (ZCBC), from the implementation of research communities, following the field of epistemological knowledge in which the project is based; finding, from its analysis, outcomes that provide relevant elements for the structure of a training plan that addresses these needs.