Explorating the use of virtual learning

How to Cite

Munoz Fandino, M. A. ., & Tulande Rengifo, J. C. (2023). Exploring the Use of Virtual Learning Environments and Automated Essay Scoring Systems for Enhancing Writing Skills in Foreign Language Education: A Focus on IntelliMetric. EducAcción Sentipensante, 3(1), 7 - 15. https://doi.org/10.22490/28057597.6798
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Exploring the Use of Virtual Learning Environments and Automated Essay Scoring Systems for Enhancing Writing Skills in Foreign Language Education: A Focus on IntelliMetric

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22490/28057597.6798
Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica
Milly Andrea Munoz Fandino
Julio Cesar Tulande Rengifo

Strong writing skills are essential for foreign language education, especially for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés. However, teaching writing to students can be challenging due to various factors such as class size, text length, and availability of feedback. This article proposes an exploration of the IntelliMetric automated essay scoring system, which provides immediate feedback to students using artificial intelligence, to improve writing abilities in LiLEI students. The study investigates the optimization of the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the IntelliMetric system in four LiLEI courses that require argumentative writing in both English and Spanish. Additionally, the article discusses the use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) as a space for managing virtual learning and the role of the student in self-directed learning. The exploration provides insights into the potential of technology in foreign language education to enhance writing skills and promote academic success.