La Biopedagogía como característica fundamental en la mediación pedagógica

How to Cite

Castaño Noreña, N. (2021). Biopedagogy as a fundamental characteristic in pedagogical mediation. EducAcción Sentipensante, 1(1), 66-72.
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Biopedagogy as a fundamental characteristic in pedagogical mediation

Nadia Castaño Noreña Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

The following article shows how the implementation of a didactic workshop, following bio-pedagogical features, could impact and
transform teachers’ practices. It emphasizes how important it is for us, as teachers, to see our students not only as subjects who
attend and understand instruction, but also as people with feelings, emotions, and needs. Taking into account the different steps carried
out by the construction of the didactic workshop, some pedagogical proposals are listed in order to change the paradigm of a traditional
teacher and move into a facilitator and mediator. Contrary to the idea about the role of the teacher as a simple transmitter of information
that students receive passively, this article focuses on biopedagogical mediation, where the teacher-mediator must, on the one hand, act
as an intermediary between the content and the student, help him to discover shared meanings; and on the other hand, the mediator
teacher must design didactic strategies based on communication, interaction, collaboration, needs and interests of the students, keeping
in mind that love is fundamental in the construction of learning.