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A spatial analysis proposal to define the difficulty of replacing coca in National Natural Parks of Colombia

Artículos producto de Investigación
Santiago Garre Pelegrina Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Boris Yesid Ramírez Rincón Auditoria General de la República

The Petro government’s agenda on drugs poses a refocusing on the traditional and failed prohibitionist policy. The need to deepen the understanding of the convergences between cocaine drug trafficking and its impact on the Nation’s strategic environmental assets has been indicated. Thus, it is important to understand the levels of difficulty of coca in the natural areas of special protection, the National Natural Parks. In addition, a refocusing of the policy must be based on a greater and better understanding of the relevant variables to combat the crop phenomenon. That’s’ why, the multivariate spatial analysis model that has been built seeks to contribute to all these dimensions of politics.