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Analysis of interculturality in higher education in Bolivia from the perspective of Good Living

Artículos producto de Investigación
Zaira Andrea Barrera Hernández USTA

Evo Morales, was chosen in 2005 and started his goverment in 2006, as a first indigenous president of Bolivia, started the process of the National Constituent Assembly, which was presented as the opportunity to re-found Bolivia on the basis of unity, equality and dignity, recognizing 36 original nations or indigenous peoples —who have represented more than 60% of the population in the country— with it he sought to end the political, economic, social and cultural conflicts that generated gaps of inequality and invisibility amongst indigenous communities for years, which culminated in the issuance of the Political Constitution in 2009. The new constitution implemented as state policy called “Vivir Bien” and a universal, productive, comprehensive and intercultural educationpolicy, among others, to generate higher education in rural areas, seeking social participation in response to needs. This article makes a documentary analysis of the notion of Vivir Bien and the intercultural higher education policy, and its application in the case of Bolivian Indegenous University “UNIBOL - Guaraní and indigenous peoples in lowland (Apiaguaiki Tüpa)” between 2008 and 2019.