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Development, Community and Territory Resignifications in Communicative Practices that affirm a relational ontology. Ecovillage Anthakarana Case

Miguel Manchego Universidad Santo Tomas

This research identifies and analyzes the communicative practices that take place within an ecovillage; practices based on a relational ontology that resignify the categories of territory, community and development in other ways in opposition to the logics of modernity and capitalism.

These communicative practices become the main means of transmitting discourses; epistemes and premises, with which ecovillagers shape their relationship with the community, living beings, Mother Earth and other beings. With a triangulation of investigative tools, this study compares whether, in correspondence, these communicative practices are spaces for the construction of other meanings that are reflected in everyday life, offering a real resignification not only of discourses but also of ways of being and doing.

The research topic makes it possible to think of communication as the field where transformations of social realities and alternative visions to development arise, from a local resistance to the global on the part of the ecovillagers