
How to Cite

Cubides Cárdenas, J., Rangel Salazar, S. ., & Beltrán Galvis, L. M. (2021). Independence and legitimacy of the constitutional jurisdiction: in perspective Colombia - Bolivia. Análisis Jurídico - Político, 3(5), 95-110.
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Independence and legitimacy of the constitutional jurisdiction: in perspective Colombia - Bolivia

Jaime Cubides Cárdenas Universidad Católica de Colombia
Sebastián Rangel Salazar Universidad Católica de Colombia
Laura Milena Beltrán Galvis Universidad Católica de Colombia

This text will reflect on judicial control from the review of doctrinal and legal sources that allow showing the political characteristic of constitutional courts, in order to explain the theories on the election of magistrates by making a short comparison with some Latin American countries. And finally, we will explain the Bolivian case in detail. The foregoing leads to the following question: Does the form of election of magistrates implemented in Bolivia harm the legitimacy and independence of the constitutional courts, taking the Colombian case as an example? To answer this question, four sections are developed: 1. Independence and legitimacy of the judge and the constitutional court; 2. Forms of election of magistrates; 3. The political character of the constitutional court; 4. Questions to the Plurinational Constitutional Court of Bolivia; and finally we will end by giving some brief conclusions seeking to respond to this conflict between legitimacy and impartiality.