
How to Cite

Ortegón Suárez, L. M. (2021). Trafficking in persons in the children and adolescents of the Achagua community, an analysis from the processes of restoration of rights carried out. Análisis Jurídico - Político, 3(5), 201-221.
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Trafficking in persons in the children and adolescents of the Achagua community, an analysis from the processes of restoration of rights carried out

Lina María Ortegón Suárez Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano

Through qualitative research, with the application of a deductive method, using different tools such as querying databases, statistics, dogmatic references, historical antecedents and regulatory framework, this article aims to explain the worldview of the Achagua community. To then address trafficking in persons, its regulatory transit and modalities, giving rise to the explanation of the best interest of the children and adolescents and how when this is violated, the processes of reestablishing rights by the ICBF are carried out, including when it comes to the population, indigenous peoples. Generating an analysis of the data provided by said entity in comparison with the data provided by the FGN regarding the commission of the crime, to try to explain its possible origins, consequences, and from there, generate a series of guidelines to make follow-up on this behavior, avoiding its future attainment.