Published 2020-08-21

The normative evolution of cybersecurity in the European Union and its political impact on actors, objectives and resources

Alessandro Demurtas Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

This article of reflection analyses the normative evolution of cybersecurity in the European Union (EU) during the last years. It also seeks to determine its impact on actors, resources and priorities. The starting hypothesis is that cybersecurity is progressively becoming a priority in the European political agenda, for two reasons. The first is more evident and concerns the growing importance of the cyber dimension in the daily life of all actors of the international system: population, institutions, firms, national and international organizations, governmental and no governmental. The second reason is directly related with the role of the EU institutions in regional integration. EU must provide the framework for the intergovernmental cooperation, the coordination of national actions, resources and strategies of the twenty-seven Members. They share, in the great majority of cases, threats, risks and challenges against their cybersecurity.

keywords: Cybersecurity, cyberthreats, cyberspace, European Union

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How to Cite
Demurtas, A. (2020). The normative evolution of cybersecurity in the European Union and its political impact on actors, objectives and resources. Análisis Jurídico Político, 2(3), 93-114.
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