
How to Cite

Gualteros, V. A., Rodríguez Morales, D., & Sánchez Mora, R. M. (2024). Social appropriation of knowledge as a contribution to human and environmental health in the village of Naranjal de Quetame, Cundinamarca. Biociencias, 7(1), 109-130.
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Social appropriation of knowledge as a contribution to human and environmental health in the village of Naranjal de Quetame, Cundinamarca

Viviana Andrea Gualteros Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Dayana Rodríguez Morales Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Ruth Mélida Sánchez Mora Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Human societies generate knowledge to understand their environment, su­pported by science and research. However, vulnerable communities face diffi­culties in accessing knowledge and making decisions in the face of social and environmental changes. The social appropriation of knowledge (SAK) seeks to involve these communities in science and technology to improve their quality of life. In the village of Naranjal, Quetame, problems of access to drinking wa­ter and contamination affect health. This study proposes to use the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a biological model to explain the effects of conta­mination and apply SAK strategies in the community.