
How to Cite

Rodriguez Aya, A. A., Chica García, J. A. ., Figueredo Luna, J. A., & Púa Castro, J. L. . (2022). Comparative Analysis of IoT Platforms for Application Development in Electronic Engineering. Documentos De Trabajo ECBTI, 3(2).
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Comparative Analysis of IoT Platforms for Application Development in Electronic Engineering

Angel Alejandro Rodriguez Aya Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Juan Alejandro Chica García Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
John Alejandro Figueredo Luna Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
José Luis Púa Castro Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD

The implementation of IoT - Internet of Things systems has increased in recent years. Currently, there are several platforms for IoT application development for both hardware and software. However, each one has its own unique characteristics. This working paper analyzes the Arduino IoT Cloud, Cayenne, ThingSpeak, and platforms based on project experience developed in the Renovatio seedbed. The best platforms for developing IoT applications with a considerable number of variables and retaining data over time are ThingSpeak and On the other hand, for applications that require sending data in small time intervals, the best platform is Arduino IoT Cloud, as it is the most didactic for its development.