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Polanco Contreras, R. H. . (2022). Some Considerations About Concept Poverty At Philosophical Study Paper From Paulette Dieterlen . Documentos De Trabajo ECBTI, 3(2).
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Some Considerations About Concept Poverty At Philosophical Study Paper From Paulette Dieterlen

Ramiro Hernan Polanco Contreras Universidad de Baja California, Campus Tepic

In the document Poverty: a philosophical study, a broad tour of the different concepts of poverty is carried out from political perspectives with a focus on description, exclusion and inclusion, thus one of the first statements made by Dieterlen (2003) orients around que un grupo relevante de excluidos es el de los pobres, debido a que los pobres no constituyen” and therefore becomes an unattractive force for political decisions, reducing their influence in this area; In this same sense, the document mentions John Rawls's theory of justice, because his emphasis enters them into the discussion of "distribuciones justas y la necesidad" (Dieterlen, 2003) placing them at the level of freedom and freedom. Equality as part of the human and social need to provide each of its members with a welfare state, it is here where the eradication or reduction of poverty gaps appeal to a “justicia distributiva” (Dieterlen, 2003) with two facets the first of a theoretical nature, formulation of policies, and a second of a practical nature when implementing the different actions with this single objective.