
How to Cite

Monroy Vásquez, J. O., & Moreno, P. A. . (2022). AN Analysis And Modelling Of Data For Characterization Of First-Time Students At UNAD. Documentos De Trabajo ECBTI, 3(1).
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AN Analysis And Modelling Of Data For Characterization Of First-Time Students At UNAD

Juan Olegario Monroy Vásquez Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
Pilar Alexandra Moreno Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD

This document describes the initial tasks carried out in the development of the project "Transition scenary from presential learning to E-learning for first-time students at UNAD". In this work, the identification of the aspects that can be analyzed within the induction processes in higher education in virtual learning environments was carried out. In this sense, different prediction models that have been applied against the analysis of behavior, motivation and desertion were reviewed; which can help to establish the variables and relationships to consider about the first enrollment students of the UNAD. In the same way, different studies were examined for the recognition of the most used applications in the analysis and treatment of data, in order to explore modeling exercises and information analysis, as well as to guide the systematic review that is also part of the stages of the project, towards the search for tools and strategies used in induction processes.