
How to Cite

Torres Payoma, F., López Munévar, M. J. ., Cuervo Say, J. C., & Andrade Suarez, A. V. (2020). Statistical determination of extremophile extraterrestrial life based on Drake-Maccone equation. Documentos De Trabajo ECBTI, 1(2).
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Statistical determination of extremophile extraterrestrial life based on Drake-Maccone equation

Freddy Torres Payoma Docente UNAD
María Jimena López Munévar Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Juan Camilo Cuervo Say Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Angie Viviana Andrade Suarez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Drake's equation establishes the probability of finding extraterrestrial intelligent life in the universe. In addition to other factors considers those variables that rocky bodies such as planets, satellites, comets, among others, must have to host life based on how it developed on the earth. In this paper, an alternative solution to the Drake equation is presented to statistically determine the probability of finding extraterrestrial biological life in general, that is, whether it can communicate with us or not. For the interpretation of the results, it was necessary to rely on some concepts of statistical mechanics and modify the factor of planets where life evolves, to also involve Extremophilic life.