
How to Cite

Bareño Gómez, Y. N., Gómez García, F. S., & Torres, D. M. (2023). System of numbering for bovines with the purpose of showing age and sex. Working Papers ECAPMA, 7(1), 71-87.
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System of numbering for bovines with the purpose of showing age and sex

Yeni Nini Bareño Gómez Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Farín Samir Gómez García Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Diana Milena Torres Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Contextualization: The numbering nomenclature for bovine specimens is developed under the use of computer science concepts, for the adaptation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in zootechnics within precision livestock.

Knowledge gap: This methodology will provide sustainable management, helping the producer to reduce investment costs in technology, contributing to the implementation of livestock production and animal welfare, establishing that technology helps to simplify traditional management.

Purpose: Develop a numbering nomenclature that can be integrated into precision farming, taking into account the rise of the digital age, in order to know the age and sex of each specimen individually, giving a technological tool to the current zootechnician.

Methodology: The nomenclature methodology for numbering new bovine exemplary births was applied, to show age and sex, this numbering system was carried out through the use of tattoos and hot iron, what is different is the nomenclature of the number to be used, since it was developed by a 4-digit algorithm where each part of them corresponds to a qualitative non-computational logical sequence, led to establish a number as identification of a specimen according to the date of birth and its sex. This was carried out in the department of Vichada, which is in technological isolation; it is a department that has extensive plains and soils suitable for agriculture and livestock that are promising for all types of precision agricultural management.

Results and conclusions: With this research, the management of ICT will be ventured, obtaining detailed information of the bovine specimens that will help decision-making in the different traditional and precision livestock systems, in addition, the information acquired digitally will be systematized for an adequate use and better control.

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