
How to Cite

Torres Silva, S. S., Tamayo Solorzano, H. Y., Mendoza Sánchez, P. A., & Rodríguez Torres, J. F. (2023). Most distinctive skills and qualities according to the leadership model of the four frames, identified in the directors of middle education institutions in the city of ibagué. Documentos De Trabajo ECACEN, 1, 201-208.
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Most distinctive skills and qualities according to the leadership model of the four frames, identified in the directors of middle education institutions in the city of ibagué

Sandy Sindney Torres Silva Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Heydy Yohana Tamayo Solorzano Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Pablo Andrés Mendoza Sánchez Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Julián Felipe Rodríguez Torres Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia

the present investigation has focused on identifying the leadership model currently applied by the administrators of the Institutions of Secondary Education of the city of Ibagué, through the development of a diagnosis for which a survey and processing of information was carried out through the Quiz app designed by Professor Lee G. Bolman. This diagnosis made it possible to determine the most outstanding qualities and skills according to the model of the leadership styles of the rectors and/or academic coordinators of the educational institutions of the city of Ibagué.

This research is carried out through the quantitative research approach of an exploratory and descriptive type, with the application of the collection instrument (Questionnaire). The results of this research are the main input for the development of a PIE research project entitled “Leadership styles in secondary education institutions in the city of Ibagué, a look from the 4-frame model” because it allows analyzing variables sociodemographics in relation to the leadership styles of the four frameworks (structural leadership, human resource leadership, symbolic leadership and political leadership); In the same way, it contributes to identify the most predominant factors regarding the leadership exercised by the rectors and coordinators of the schools in the city of Ibagué, according to the Bolman model; This is the starting point to continue with a second part of the research and establish strategies to
strengthen these leadership competencies and make their organizations competitive and sustainable.

It is noteworthy that it contributes to the development of people with essential leadership characteristics, which are required in personnel management to establish proposals that allow strengthening leadership as a business growth strategy.